Every night when we lay our heads down on the pillow and venture off to sleep we have the opportunity to surrender, to let go of the day and to fully give up. (Throw in the towel so to speak.) There is something so beautiful about this moment. It feels natural, this chance to dissolve, much like the arrival of a long awaited sigh. Our bodies melt and all that we are holding on to disappears. We may even wonder was the stress ever really solid to begin with, or was it all a creation of the mind?
The ancient mystics believe that each night when we fall asleep it is an opportunity to die unto ourselves, a small death, (petite mort) and with the morning sun comes our birth or renewal. A new beginning and a fresh start. This is a beautiful thought to help us fall in tune with our constantly changing universe and let us settle into the reality that we too are constantly changing. Each new day provides us the opportunity to see with fresh eyes as our intelligence is updated and our bodies are made anew with trillions of different cells.
So let's not evaluate ourselves with the old operating system or hold on to the "us" of yesterday. We are no longer the same person. It's like putting the garbage back on the dinner plate and taking a bite. Evaluating ourselves from past experiences only keeps us making the same mistakes over and over again like a record player stuck on the same track. Just see that you are different with each morning sunrise and enjoy the unfolding of the new day, in a new way and with a new you.
Let go. Fall into Egyptian cotton sheets. And wake up! It's all a beautifully changing dream and you are at the root of it.
(Don't forget to update your software!)
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